Weldon Springs Triangle object

Reported from the NUFORC website. Location is an approximation.

"I glanced up to see 3 dim white lights in a perfect triangle shape move in a gliding motion a couple hundred feet above the tree line.

I was outside smoking and drinking on Friday Night, just after midnight.

I look up at the stars often and this time I glanced up to see three dim white lights in a perfect triangle shape move in a gliding motion a couple hundred feet above the tree line. It was fairly quick and way to low to be a satellite which was my first guess.

No sound what-so-ever even though I can hear airplanes passing by way above the altitude of what this "ufo" was flying.

The moon was fairly bright but the body of the craft was still pitch black, even though it was flying so low.

Very odd experience. Floated across my view in about 10 seconds, no rotation."

Posted 2014-07-20



38.707621064821, -90.659616292579


202 Wolfrum Road
Saint Charles County, 63304
United States
