The following account is from the NUFORC website:
"Orange fireball flying low following the highway.
Heading eastbound on hwy 40/61, at 8:45pm CST, I notice an orange flickering light coming westbound, off in the distance approximately 1 mile away. It was following the highway. As it got closer I see it is an orange fireball.
I stuck my head out the window as it flew directly over my head, about 10 seconds from first sight, and at the hwy DD/Winghaven exit and I look up at it. As it was coming towards me as well as when it was directly over me it appeared to be an orange fireball with a black center. It was flying very low.
As I was driving at the time, I could only look up at it for a second or two, looked back at the road, then looked back at it out my driver side window. I did not see the orange fire from behind, but only the shadow of a craft before I had to look away again.
I have heard of the orange fireballs on C2Cam, or else I would have thought this was a plane on fire. I looked a again for it behind me and saw nothing. From first sight to end do sighting was about 20 secs. "
38.750389903107, -90.749747624725
4088 Winghaven Boulevard
O’Fallon, 63368
United States