Report (2019) taken from NUFORC website:
"Several star like craft in line following each other across Knoxville l.
I walked outside to get in my truck about an hour before sunrise when I happened to look up and noticed what looked like several stars in a row spaced out evenly. After a second look I noticed they were moving in a straight line headed southeast. I noticed at least 15-20 craft in a line but there could have been more that were out of sight. They weren’t moving crazy fast but I didn’t hear any sound or see any lights flashing like a normal airplane. It looked exactly like a bunch of satellites in a row going across the sky. They seemed to be fairly high in altitude. This looked like a possible military exercise although that would be strange due to the number of craft and lack of major military base near Knoxville.''
35.960789610444, -83.921041488647
Henley Street
Fort Sanders
Knoxville, 37902
United States